August News and Black Belt Attitude

Be a yardstick of qality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected. Steve Jobs


Our next grading will be on Sunday September 23 at the Subiaco PCYC. Times are as follows:

Mighty Mites: 10:00 a.m – 10:30 a.m
Juniors: 10:45 a.m – 11:15 a.m
Adults: 11:30 a.m – 1:00 p.m

Gradings are an inspirational occasion. Our school of martial arts is not about “winning” or being the best compared to others. Correct martial arts training is very personal, so it is about rising above your own personal limitations and breaking your own personal barriers. It’s just as inspiring to see a Mighty Mite white belt achieve their first yellow belt as it is seeing a high level Black Belt go up a grade.

The Grading fee is $40 payable on the day (cash or cheque only). You MUST register yourself or your child for each Grading, either online at, by return email, or by completing the Grading register in class.

A reminder that students need to have attended at least 10 classes before they are eligible to grade from white to yellow belt, and 15 classes from yellow belt to green tip.

Developing a Black Belt Attitude: EXCELLENCE

  • Excellence requires your best and something extra.
  • Excellence is the aspiration to exceed the limitations that we put on ourselves. It is seeking to do better.
  • Excellence is hard to reach. Excellence is superiority and getting outstanding results in something we do. The closest we can get to excellence is practice, practice, practice.

Some great resources for Excellence:

What successful people do in the first hour of their work day.
Anthony Robbins home page is full of excellent motivation.
Echardt Tolle’s “Power of Now” will improve all aspects of your life.
Dennis Waitley’s “Psychology of Winning” is a must for excellence.

16 Days of Glory – Yasuhiro Yamashita

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