Our last Grading for the year takes place on Sunday December 7 at the following times:
Bright Stars: 9.00-9.30 a.m
Adults: 11.00 a.m start
A reminder also of our closing and re-opening dates for the Xmas/New Year holidays. The Subiaco PCYC is closing down over xmas and new year, so please take note of the dates below.
For children, next week will be the last week of classes for the year. Kid’s classes will resume the first week of school term 2015, while adult classes will resume early January. But don’t worry, there’s nothing stopping you from practicing at home or while you’re away on holidays!
Final class for the year: Tuesday December 16 (xmas drinks following the class)
First class for 2015: Tuesday January 13
Final class of Term 4: Saturday December 13
First class for 2015: Tuesday February 3